Civil Rights Movement: Thinking/flow map

Texas Standards and Benchmark (IFD):

US.9B: Describe the roles of political organization that prompted civil rights, including ones from African American, Chicano, American Indian, Women’s and other civil rights movements.

US.9C: Identify the roles of significant leaders who supported various rights movements, including Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, Hector P. Garcia, and Betty Friedan.

(Will add standards as the various other lessons are complete, and we as a group add more to map)


When lesson is complete student should be able to recognize and identify the main organizations, people, and leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement.


·         PowerPoint/Prezi slides of the Civil Rights Movement

·         A few pieces of butcher paper for each group (long)

·         Pencil/Pen/Marker


Bellringer- Define the 13th,14th, and 15th Amendment.

Set induction/introduction:

Ask who can explain to me what the Civil Rights Movement is?  (Most students should answers African-Americans) Explain briefly that it was NOT just African-Americans, but also; Native Americans, Chicano’s, and Women.

Methods and Procedures:

The student will be arranged in groups of 3-4 depending on class size. Students will work in those groups to help create the thinking map. I will be using the smart board to convey the information that the students need to put on their thinking map such as; The Civil Rights Movement, Women, African-Americans etc.



Learning Activity:

Since this will mainly be a note taking type activity students in the groups will have to pass the pencil/pen/marker around so that each student can write the information needed on the butcher paper. Each student has to change on ever different bubble created.


Students who have writing skills trouble they do not have to write, but they are responsible for their portion of information on the butcher paper.

Student Evaluation:

Throughout map creating, I will be asking various questions about the civil rights movement. Once assignment is complete I will show my ending think map, and ask if student’s maps are similar to mine. IF students have missed any of the bubbles, I will either go to their group individually, or as an entire class review what is the missing bubble.

Teacher Evaluation:

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