Grade: 11th

Subject: U.S. History

Week: 2/25-3/1


Bellringer: Explain one of the following: What were the four causes of the Vietnam War?

8E: Analyze the major events and issues of the Vietnam War such as the Tet-offensive, escalation of forces, Vietnamization, and the fall Saigon.

Big Idea: The War Abroad

Activates: Students will be asked to place a series of pictures into a timeline format (Pics will be four main events from 8E). They will write a caption for the photos, explain the significance and write how it leads to the next event.



Bellringer: Can you place the following events in order: Tet-Offensive, Vietnamization, escalation, fall of Saigon.

8F: Describe the response to the Vietnam War such as the draft, 26th Amendment, the role of Media, the credibility gap, the silent majority, and the anti-war movement.

Big Idea: The War at Home

Activities: Stations activity. Students will be asked to analyze a set of readings, political cartoons, and primary sources to answer a series of open ended questions about Vietnam at home.

Formative assessment: Ticket out the door: Of these problems which would cause the most drama in the US and why?





Activates: Must know info vocabulary activity

Students will be shown a series of pictures/documents/cartoons and asked to apply knowledge on a vocabulary worksheet.


Bellringer: Explain one of the ways that the war in Vietnam effected life in America.

8E & 8F: Standards combined

Vietnam DBQ: Would you have been a draft dodger? Students will be shown a series of documents and be asked to answer guiding questions. Using their answers they will write their responses to the question.

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