This second week of student teaching was a very slow week for me. The reason I feel this was a slow week is because I was only there on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. That Tuesday and Wednesday that I missed in order to attend the seminar in Portales was some essential days that I wish I could get back. On Tuesday there was a social studies teacher’s collaboration day. Apparently this was all of the social studies teachers in the district came together to discuss the curriculum and test for the next six weeks. This was something I really needed to attend because the next six weeks is what I will be teaching. That Wednesday the students learned some more about the 1950’s and the Cold War, which was also something important that  I missed, because the events in the 1950’s directly correspond to the events in the 1960’s, which again is what I am teaching.

Monday was also just another bust day for me because it was SAT registration day for all of the classes. This was a complete useless day for my cooperating teacher and me, because all we did was watch the counselors go step-by-step helping the class register for the test. This took the entire 50 minutes of class. Thursday was a day for notes, so this was a good chance for a little of student learning. Friday was a really good day because all of the information learned in the previous days we were able to put together and make various information stations for the students could recap.

Nell Jones
1/27/2013 10:35:19 am

I hear your frustration about missed class time and missed time with the Social Studies team. One of the things you will quickly learn is that there are so many interruptions to our class time. Acceptance is the key and then make the most of the class time that you do have! We don't have to like it, but we don't let it affect our planning and our teaching.


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