This week was another successful, productive week. This week besides the usually taking over 5th, 7th, and 8th period I had to take over ALL class periods on Thursday and Friday. I had to take over all classes because we started a new unit The Civil Rights Movement. On Thursday and Friday we did something new with the students. Instead taking the usually kind of notes when I stand at the smart board and lecture and they take notes, we instead did think maps. This is sort of like a flow chart, but instead a little different because we are connecting all major and minor events of the Civil Rights movement together. Besides that I had a good week, and this weekend I am tasked with creating more lesson plans regarding the civil rights, which is a little harder than I expected. Although I learned to write lesson plans for a class, it is much harder to do when there are actual students in front of you and their passing or failing is partially on me, and what I teach them.

nell Jones
2/8/2013 04:17:03 am

Think maps are excellent for teaching relationships and they help students remember better! Good for you! Venn diagrams also work well to show relationships. Utilize as many of the senses as possible for long term memory and learning.
I think you are having a reality check about lesson plans. That is wonderful and right where you should be at this point.
I will see you Wednesday at 12.


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