This week was a very slow dragging out week until Thursday. Taking the six weeks exam on Monday started the week out slow. The students did not want to take the test, and they felt they had not had preparation for it. They probably felt this way about the six weeks exam because usually we do review for the test, but this week we were too busy reviewing for the TAKS test. On Tuesday it was a little better because we actually did something other than sitting around taking a test. Wednesday was a little better than Tuesday. The students had to walk around the class room and identify historical eras based only on pictures. This was a very impressing day because this was information that the students had learned in August and now they had to remember here in April. Thursday was TAKS Camp day, and that was fun yet miserable. The fun part about it was that I was able to give students that one last push of general information before the TAKS test next Thursday. The horrible part about it was that I had to teach the same lesson fourteen times. After about the twelfth time I was starting to get annoyed by it. Although I was getting annoyed but it, each group of student received my excitements, which lead them to be excited as well. Friday was another good day this week. The reason it was good is because my cooperating teacher and I had not huge idea of what TAKS review we would do today, but when we finally got to school we sat and talked and thought about what students really needed to learn based on the information from yesterday, and we concluded students needed to learn about the Constitutional Amendments. All together this was a decent week, it might have dragged out but it was overall successful for students needing to pass the TAKS test.

Nell Jones
4/15/2013 01:39:35 am

Test weeks and test prep weeks are truly the bane of a teacher's existence! Aren't you glad that part is over? Thank you for sticking it out!


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